Music copyright law is a complicated, expensive business—and usually requires lengthy contracts which might lead to unfortunate clauses or later lawsuits. Taylor Swift’s landmark decision to record her entire discography again to maintain the copyrights should tell anyone just how serious copyright law could get.
AI-generated music is challenging current copyright laws, partially by making it easier for artists and creators to make royalty-free art. Copyright laws might have to adapt to accommodate AI-generated music and artistic collaboration with AI.
Artists, producers, and other creatives should pay attention. Artificial intelligence can change the way you create. Access to royalty-free AI-generated music can be freely used, whereas human copyrighted art can’t.
Here’s more about the impact of AI music and copyright law—and thoughts on why it’s time for copyright laws to change.
The Impact of AI Music on Copyright Law
Open source software (e.g. Linux) became widely popular as a free, usable alternative to paid software. Suddenly, software tools became open access—where they could be used, modified, or shared by any of its users. Copyright claims didn’t restrict software anymore, and it practically changed the world in an instant.
Music copyrights can be viewed in the same way. However, legally, laws relating to music copyrights haven’t advanced quite far enough to accommodate copyrights and AI-generated art.
As long as your AI-generated content doesn’t impose upon anyone’s personal work (e.g. the exact voice of a living celebrity, or their actual lyrics), your AI-generated content might count as royalty-free.
Royalty-free (for videos, pictures, and music) is the open source alternative for copyrighted music. This means that samples and songs that are AI-generated could do just as much for the music world as Linux did for software.

Advantages of AI Generated Music and Copyright
AI-generated music makes professional-quality music production easier. Artists and musicians aren’t limited by things like their gear or their access anymore. Creators are free to create. This is the first clear advantage that AI-generated music brings into the copyright law world.
Work that artists have created incorporating AI can be copyrighted—however, the AI-created elements stand on their own as royalty-free. Just like images used on Wikipedia, they’re subject to specific fair-use licenses that copyrighted work wouldn’t be.
Have you ever seen an artist get sued over sampling an existing work?
Usually, this means the selling artist has to pay lifetime royalties to the suing artist.
AI-generated music stops this from happening to anyone. Samples that an AI tool like SOUNDRAW produces, including beats and segments, are royalty-free and fair to use
AI-Generated Music Uses Inspired Styles and Patterns
AI-generated music relies on a database of styles and patterns, which includes various instruments and eras of music history. Users can also direct the AI generator to match specific styles or artists, without having to worry that it’s going to come out as a direct copy of that artist.
It’s normal for real, human artists to be inspired by a technique or riff their heroes are famous for. This is a traditional element of music production. Nobody is allowed to copy directly—but you’re welcome to be inspired by anything that’s out there for your own creation.
AI-generated music works much like this, looking for “inspiration” from digital footprints to create whole new output. If you wanted “a metal song that sounds like Dolly Parton, but with lyrics written by 2Pac”, AI would know what you mean—even if you aren’t sure yet!
This is part of why AI music generators like SOUNDRAW produce royalty-free work. Instead of copying, AI draws digital inspiration from any style or artist you could mention in the prompt. Also thanks to this technology, you’ll get something entirely new (and royalty-free) every time you create.

The Copyright Issue and AI
AI generation and music has become so popular that there are already mainstream lawsuits alleging that AI was used to impersonate their voice or personality on tracks.
However, it’s important to remember that these suits don’t refer to royalty-free content—instead, these cases are about impersonation laws and identity. Creating an AI to impersonate a living artist is never the same as using AI to create music or an element such as a beat.
Artistic AI use (or collaboration) doesn’t have the same copyright issues as impersonating living voices, or sampling copyrighted work.
For creators, this means they don’t have to deal with the possibility of takedown notices on any background music either when using AI-generated music.
Using AI can mean that you’re able to avoid copyright issues entirely.
What About Music Collaborations with AI?
Collaboration and creation aren’t treated the same in copyright law. Collaborators are expected to receive a part of royalties, usually as a percentage on their initial contract. However, many have sued for larger percentages of the money after songs have gone unexpectedly viral or become hits.
Collaborating with an AI saves artists, producers, and other music professionals a lot of time and money. Using an AI-generated element in a larger song means that you’re collaborating on fair terms with royalty-free results.
AI generators are a powerful way to create beats, samples, or verses. Collaborations with AI can cut out contractual red tape. Users also value AI-based music collaboration for its speed: results and rewrites can be done in seconds instead of having to wait for weeks or months for someone else.

The Digital Music Impact
Streaming channels and influencers like to use music for their channels or content. However, copyright also becomes a potential issue here—and the wrong thing playing on a television in the background is enough to trigger a takedown notice. Enough of those, and you could lose your channel.
AI-generated music avoids copyright notices against influencers. Creators are free to create—without the additional worry of how copyright may affect them when their content goes live.
The Future of Copyright
AI-generated music is redefining the landscape of copyright law, providing a royalty-free alternative that empowers creators while avoiding costly legal battles. As AI tools like SOUNDRAW become more widespread, music producers, artists, and content creators can embrace new forms of collaboration without the fear of copyright infringement. By leveraging AI, musicians and influencers can create original tracks, beats, and samples with confidence, knowing they’re free from the complexities of traditional copyright issues. With AI music continuing to evolve, it's clear that the future of music production and copyright law is intertwined, paving the way for a more open, accessible creative process.
Take advantage of AI music tech and save yourself the future headache of dealing with copyright strikes