So, you’re planning to launch your podcast next week, but you still don’t have the intro music sorted out. You haven’t heard back from the creator you hired, and it’s coming down to the wire. You start thinking that—hey—maybe you can get away with launching without the intro music. After all, people are tuning in to hear you speak, not to listen to an intro tune, right?
Big mistake.
Skipping out on the intro track is not even worth thinking about—you need to get it done. But what do you do? You start thinking about downloading a production tool to help you handle it yourself, but it all just seems so confusing, and you don’t have the time to spend researching how to use it.
AI intro music is here to save the day. Imagine if you could have your intro track sorted out within the next five minutes, wouldn’t that be a relief?
Well, keep reading because we’re going to show you how to do exactly that in this post. By the time we’re done here your intro music will be ready to go.
Are you in?
Why Intro Music Matters for Podcasters and Creators
If you’re a podcaster looking for an intro song, or a YouTuber looking for an intro theme for your channel's content, turn to AI for help. AIs already changing the face of the productivity tools we use, just think about what ChatGPT managed to achieve in the last few years.
Now, AI is finding a home in other industries, and it’s come home to roost in music production and editing. Now, anyone can create royalty-free intro music with no experience using complicated music production software modules.
Using AI for the task allows you to create a theme song or intro track offering your content strategy the following advantages.

Hook the Audience Immediately
The theme song gets the ball rolling, it’s like the dinner bell for the audience, their mind instantly associates the track with your content, and they’re hooked into the show.
Connect and Engage Emotionally
Remember all those catchy theme songs from TV shows?—of course, you do—and that’s for a reason. The right theme song or intro music can engage your audience mentally and emotionally.
Set the Tone for Your Brand
Like we said, your audience will connect your intro music to your content and it becomes part of your brand identity.
The Problem with Creating Intro Music
AI music production tools aside, there are plenty of issues with making your intro music. AI tools solve all these problems, so let’s see why they’re so beneficial to the creative process.

Licensing and Royalties
The biggest issue with creating music is ensuring that no one else is using it or has a license over it. Using licensed or copyrighted material in your theme song or intro track gives your channel or podcast the inside track to a copyright strike. That’s a headache you don’t need.
Using AI-generated music means that you never have to worry about licensing issues again. Next-generation platforms like SOUNDRAW give you fresh, original, license-free intro tracks, and you don’t owe royalties to anyone.
Hiring Creatives
Sure, you can hire a creator on a marketplace like Fiverr to make your intro track. But there are thousands of people offering these services, and they all have great reputations, so who do you go with?
No matter who you choose, you always have the risk of the creator not delivering on time or producing something that you don’t like, wasting your time with revision after revision.
Then there’s also the cost involved with hiring these services. Having a professional produce your intro track could end up costing you hundreds or thousands of dollars. What if you could get it for free?
Lack of Production Experience
Do you know how to work with music production tools? We didn’t think so. This software usually has steep learning curves and takes weeks or even months to learn how to leverage the full functionality and utility of these tools. Who’s got time for that?
AI tools give you a simple, user-friendly solution, with no need for prior experience with music production software and editing tools. You get a simple UX, and your theme song is ready with a few clicks.

How AI-Generated Music Apps Are Disrupting the Industry
AI music apps and cloud-based platforms are changing the face of music production and editing. Platforms like SOUNDRAW drop the barriers to entry, giving you a user-friendly interface that makes creating and editing your podcast intro track easy, even if you’ve never used music creation tools before.
When you see the power of platforms like SOUNDRAW, you’ll find it shocking how easy it is to create AI-generated music, and we also think you’ll be super-impressed with the results.
So, let’s get into how to use SOUNDRAW, the top-rated AI music production and editing platform. Follow these steps and your intro song will be ready to go in no time.
Create Professional AI-Generated Intro Music in Minutes with SOUNDRAW
Step #1: Choose Your Genre and Theme
When you land on the SOUNDRAW homepage, click the “Generate Music” tab in the top ribbon. You’ll go through to an interface where you choose the track length, ranging from 10 seconds to five minutes. Since you’re doing an intro for a pod, the 15 to 30-second option would likely be the most favorable length.
Then, you’ll see a grid of thumbnails below, each representing a genre. Browse through the options and click the one that best matches the style of music you want to use in your theme song.

Step #2: Preview Your Options
After clicking the genre option, the platform pulls you through into the creator dashboard. You’ll see the genre you choose highlighted in the top ribbon. There are plenty of options, from rock to hip hop, and subculture music genres like trap.
The V2 of SOUNDRAW saw the introduction of multiple genres to the prompting phase of the tool. So, you can choose trap and electric guitar, and the platform merges the two genres to give you a totally unique sound.
After you’ve settled on the right genre you’ll see the results listed below, with five to six options and a button allowing you to generate more results. Preview each of the tracks to find one you like. If you like it, you can play around with the other basic editing features, which we’ll get into next.
Step #3: Set the Mood and Theme and Add Instruments
SOUNDRAW allows you to add instruments like acoustic guitars and keyboards into the intro track at the click of a button. Just hover your mouse over the tab in the ribbon and you’ll see a drop-down list of options.
You also have the option of changing the mood of the song. For instance, you might want something dark for a true crime pod, or something happy for a comedy pod. The theme tab allows you to choose a category that best describes your content, giving further refinement to the process.

Step #4: Edit with the Mixer Dashboard
When you have your track fleshed out, it’s time to get into the backend of the platform and activate the “Mixer” feature. When you 2click on the track you’ll see a grid of blue and grey boxes below it, identifying each segment of the track you created.
You can toggle the blocks, selecting the intensity of the track from “Quiet” to “Extreme” for each of the elements listed; Melody, backing, bass, drum, and fill. Play around with the settings and use the fills to make transitions between segments, or leave them out. There are so many ways to create a unique sound using this platform.
You’ll love the “Volume” tab under the grid, which allows you to adjust the volume of each of the five elements, and the “key” tab lets you switch the key of the song to change things up entirely.
Step #5: Download and Share
When you’re satisfied that your work is perfect, it’s time to hit the download icon on the right of the screen. If you have an account, the download starts immediately. You also have the option of generating a link to share on your social profiles and favorite your track by clicking the heart to add it to your library.
Sign Up for SOUNDRAW and Scale Your Solution
SOUNDRAW offers you the option of trying the platform without signing up for an account. But, if you want to download the song you just created, you’ll need to register and subscribe to the platform.
If you got value from SOUNDRAW, consider signing up for a subscription. The Creator package gets you started for as little as $12.99 per month, and there are the Artist packages ranging from $25.99 to $64.99 per month for serious creators who want to add their vocals and instrumentals to their SOUNDRAW tracks. It’s easy to do with Google Sign In, just a few clicks and your intro track is ready to download.