AI Music
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Exploring Creativity and Wellness with Jason Belk

edit songs with SOUNDRAW
Published on
September 27, 2024

At SOUNDRAW, we believe that creativity can take many forms, from professional projects to deeply personal expressions. Today, we’re excited to highlight Jason Belk, a multi-talented creator and tech advocate whose work spans a variety of mediums. 

Jason has been using SOUNDRAW in unique ways for his own spiritual formation, blending creativity and well-being into one powerful journey. Here’s a closer look at how SOUNDRAW is helping him on this path.

A Creative Journey Rooted in Well-being

I’m Jason Belk, and my creative background spans various fields. I love playing guitar, building Magic The Gathering decks and playing princesses with my two little daughters. On the work side, I create content to help others learn about how to get into Information Technology, or increase their skills for better jobs in IT. I work at Cisco Systems, Training & Certifications. You can explore my professional history on my LinkedIn, and some of my more professional creative work through this link.

I’ve been using SOUNDRAW in ways that are deeply personal—projects aimed at mental health and spiritual growth. These are not just for artistic expression, but tools that help me center myself. 

I’ve been involved in various creative fields for years, but what motivates me most today is the need for balance and reflection. My work with SOUNDRAW has played a crucial role in supporting this.

Discovering SOUNDRAW

I first heard about SOUNDRAW on chatGPT, during my exploration of new tools to enhance my creative process. It immediately intrigued me as something that could help me with the more experimental, meditative side of my projects. 

I loved that it was easy to use and was something I could use my musical background to curate soundtracks to inspirational quotes I wanted to reinforce to maintain my mental health.

What drew me to give SOUNDRAW was the intuitive user experience, great customization options and the opportunity to seamlessly blend AI-generated music into something deeply personal. The platform gave me a starting point for creating soundscapes that felt aligned with my goals, allowing me to experiment without the usual creative barriers.

Crafting with SOUNDRAW

The project I used SOUNDRAW for was an extension of my mental health and spiritual formation practice. Rather than approaching it from a purely musical or technical standpoint, I integrated SOUNDRAW into a process that was personal, introspective, and transformative. The soundscapes became a way for me to tap into new emotions and experiences.

You can take a look at a couple of the works that have resulted from this process here and here.

SOUNDRAW assisted me by making the music production side of things more accessible. I didn’t have to worry about the technical aspects, which freed me to focus on the deeper meaning of the work. Instead of getting stuck on the production, I could channel my energy into what I was trying to express.

One challenge I’ve often faced is getting stuck in the technical side of things, which can take me away from the heart of the creative process. SOUNDRAW helped me overcome that by providing a platform that’s intuitive and easy to work with, allowing me to focus on what really matters—expression. I could experiment and iterate quickly, both in terms of finding a base track I wanted, and then building variations from there.

Using SOUNDRAW had a noticeable impact on my workflow. It allowed me to create more freely and efficiently, speeding up the process and giving me the room to experiment without getting bogged down in the details. I was able to create a song in minutes, and then do some work on my side to integrate in some inspirational quotes to a song that fit the vibe I was looking for.

Advice for Other Creators

For those new to SOUNDRAW, I’d suggest approaching it with an open mind. You don’t need to be an expert in production to get something meaningful out of it. Let the platform guide you and don’t be afraid to experiment.

To really maximize SOUNDRAW’s potential, use it as a tool for discovery. Let the AI take you to places you wouldn’t have gone on your own, and then build from there. It’s a powerful platform for sparking ideas and pushing your creative boundaries.

Room for Growth

As with any tool, there’s always room for improvement. For SOUNDRAW, I think more customization options could help creators like me fine-tune the output even further. Sometimes, I find myself wishing for more precise control over certain elements of the music, so more granular features could definitely elevate the experience.

In the future, I can see SOUNDRAW continuing to evolve as a creative tool that caters to a wide range of users—whether it’s artists, wellness practitioners, or casual creators. By adding more flexible features and expanding its user base, SOUNDRAW can serve an even broader range of creative needs.

Final Thoughts

Though I haven’t had any unexpected experiences with SOUNDRAW yet, it has definitely had a meaningful impact on how I approach my work. It’s allowed me to blend creativity with mental health in a way that feels authentic and productive.

SOUNDRAW has given me the space to focus on what really matters in my creative process—expression, reflection, and personal growth. I’m excited to see how the platform continues to grow, and I look forward to exploring even more with it in the future.